Available Sun Screen Products

When you look at the various sunscreen products, you will find many different SPF values. You should always make it a point to choose the highest SPF sunscreen instead of a sunscreen that only has a SPF of 8. There is not likely to be any sun protection clothing afforded with such a minor SPF value nor will it afford much UVB protecting. Many people choose the lower SPF values because they feel they are not going to derive a tan from a higher value, but that brings us to the facts that with the breakdown of the ozone layer today getting a tan should be the least of anyone’s concerns. It is more important to protect your skin than to expose it to unhealthy UV rays.

Know What Will Work Best
Sunscreen does not afford much in the way of UV protection for hair or any other part of your body. In order to have protection, you must invest in sunblock which has a SPF of at least 15. In reality you should use a product with a much higher SPF than 15 but dermatologists consider this the lowest SPF to be called sunblock. Any product used for UVB protecting should carry a SPF of at least 15, and the higher the SPF you use the more it is going to protect your skin.

While there was a time that sunblock was not as important, those days have come and gone. With so much of the sun harmful rays being able to make their way through the ozone layer, more people are exposed to the harmful rays by just walking out their door to go to the mailbox and it isn’t likely to change. The damage is already there so the only thing we can do now is to try to prevent further damage and protect our skin from the rays that are not entering the earth’s atmosphere.

Sunblock spf 50 is your best protection from the sun’s harmful rays, and you must be meticulous about using it when you go into the sun. Even if you’re only going into the back yard to sit you need to use sunblock unless you are going to be sitting in the shade. Certainly most people will not use sunblock to walk to the mailbox, but you have to look at the length of time you are going to be in the sun.

Be Aware Of The Risks
There is no excuse for not using sunblock today, and if you fail to do so you risk developing skin cancer or causing your skin to age much earlier than it ordinarily would. The choices you make are ones with which you will have to live, but you must remember you are in control of your own destiny. You are also in charge of making sure you take care of your body and that includes your skin. Use sunblock with the highest possible SPF in order to make sure you are fully protecting your skin in order to provide it with the longest life possible without showing signs of age.

About the Author:

The Solar Protective Factory, operators of SPFStore.com, has pioneered the sun protective clothing market. They developed top-UV rated and affordable sun protection clothing. The SPF® Collection offers the best quality uv protection clothing in the world, including safe and reliable sun protection hats and sunblock spf 50.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Available Sun Screen Products

Sun Protection Clothing, Sun Protective Clothing, Uv Protection Clothing, Sun Protection Hats, Sunblock Spf 50.