An Affiliate - What Is That?

There is much on the internet these days about affiliates and affiliate programs but what is an affiliate?

* An affiliate is an individual who gets sales or recruits for a company and is then paid commission by that company. The affiliate does not have to deal with stocking products, postage, payments or anything like that as the company takes over once the sale is made. Hence the affiliate's job is just to get others to make a purchase.

* If you are looking for a way to earn extra money or even start your own home business then affiliate programs are a good place to start. Each company will have their own commission plans and pay their affiliates accordingly.

* Some of the plans pay you a commission for getting others to sign up for a monthly service. As long as the individual stays signed up you will continue to get your commission. If the service is upgraded your commission increases. By getting others to join the company you will become their sponsor and be paid commission on the sales they then make. As they recruit under them you will be paid for their sales as well. This is known as Residual Income as it is work that is done by others that benefits you and will keep coming in as long as they stay signed up.

* Other plans will pay you a one off fee for making a sale for them or getting a recruit to join. So you really need to check out the commission plan of the affiliate program to see if it is the best one for you.

* When you join you get your own website with which to capture sales and recruits. You run it as your own business and all you need to get started is a computer and a connection. Many people make a decent monthly income in this way while others are able to quit their current job and do this full time. You will need to be disciplined and put your effort into it - but it can be very rewarding.

* If you are thinking of joining an affiliate program check out the website for more helpful information and I wish you all the best on your journey.

About the Author:

Sharonhttp://www.Spencer-Biz.comCheck out the website for information on home based business opportunities and ideas.

Article Source: - An Affiliate - What Is That?

Online Business, Internet Based Business, Work At Home Opportunities, Home Based Business Opportunities